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Vertical Garderns

What do you do when you do not have sufficient space to add potted plants to your work space or living space, but yet are keen on bringing in greenery into your space? You opt for the very popular vertical gardens or vertical biowalls! Vertical gardens can also be added as a beautiful backdrop to your existing garden or collection of potted plants.

Vertical gardens are a great way to bring greenery around you even with minimal horizontal space. Horizontal space being a luxury in most urban settings!

In vertical gardens, plants can be installed and grown using various types of modular panels, geotextile fabrics, growing media and irrigation systems.

Living walls are particularly suitable for cities, as they allow good use of available vertical surface areas.


Design Installation & Maintainence

Vertical gardens use numerous varieties of plants that can be used in different combinations, creating natural works of art.

It is well established that plants can purify air. Along with indoor potted plants, green walls go a long way in improving indoor air quality.

Greenery from vertical gardens, along with potted plants, softens the urban concrete environment, helping to ease your stress and fatigue.


We plant the selected plant varieties into the modules or pots and allow the plants to settle and grow over a period, before installation on site. You can opt to water the plants manually or we can install irrigation systems which can be installed along with the living wall structure. These vertical garden modules and panels can be fixed directly to existing walls or can be fixed on to a MS framework in case of free standing vertical gardens.

For reference images of our “Vertical Garderns” projects, you can visit our Image Gallery